"All of the demonstrations were relevant & made an impact that lasted beyond the show. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for an engaging, informative & fun show to consolidate this unit." — Kaleidoscope: Science Incursions for Schools =

"All of the demonstrations were relevant & made an impact that lasted beyond the show. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for an engaging, informative & fun show to consolidate this unit."


"Mitch was the consummate professional and kept the interest level high amongst our Stage 3 students and teachers. All of the demonstrations were relevant and made an impact that lasted beyond the show. The students chattered afterwards about all the new things that they'd learnt. Mitch was able to explain concepts about weather and atmosphere clearly so that complicated processes made complete sense. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for an engaging, informative and fun show to consolidate this unit."

- Stage 3 teacher
Greenwich Public School, NSW
